family at home

Living a Healthy Family Lifestyle in the Time of Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a threat to the health and life of every family. But if anything, it has taught every individual and family to value health and wellness, among other things. The ultimate goal now is to foster physical health, mental stability, and overall well-being.

When it comes to promoting health and well-being, living a healthy lifestyle is the key. There are the best practices that you and your family must adopt at home. As the head of the household, you must constantly remind every family member of the value of healthy living.

That said, here’s how to live a healthy family lifestyle during the pandemic:

1. Have proper nutrition

They say that you are what you eat. What you put in the mouth will have an impact on your overall health. As the head of the family, you must be highly critical and selective of what you put on the table. The goal now is to eat as healthily as possible!

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating a variety of food. These must include whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. The organization reminds families to limit salt and sugar intake. The same is true for the consumption of fats and oils. Also, stop eating processed food, canned goods, and preservatives.

2. Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is key to optimal health. The best course of action is to drink plenty of water every day. Fret not, as drinking tap water is the cheapest yet healthiest way to stay hydrated. Be sure to limit or avoid carbonated drinks altogether. Even drinking coffee and tea must be regulated.

For the most part, we have to drink eight glasses of water every day. But Mayo Clinic recommends drinking 3.7 liters of fluids (for men) and 2.7 liters of fluids (for women) per day. This recommendation includes all fluids, apart from water.

3. Get restorative sleep

Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends adults have seven or more hours of sleep per night. While older people must get seven to nine hours of sleep, young adolescents and children must have eight to twelve hours. Children below six years old need more than ten hours of sleep.

The standard recommendation is for you and your family to get enough sleep. However, the focus must also be on having a restful, restorative sleep. Be wary of signs of poor sleep such as repeatedly waking up at night, heavy snoring, gasping for air, and feeling unrested even after sleeping.

family in their backyard

4. Stay physically active

Every family must all the more strive to be physically active during the pandemic. Unfortunately, the stay-at-home orders, restricted movements, and social distancing leave individuals and families stuck at home. As such, it can be hard to pursue some physical activities.

Fret not, as there are ways to stay physically active at home. These include setting up a home gym, pursuing a home workout, or having a body-weight exercise. Even carrying out household chores, playing with your kids, and undertaking a home remodeling project can make a difference in your physical fitness.

5. Ensure social connections

The COVID-19 pandemic has led individuals and families to home isolation and limited social interactions. While it has set you apart from your friends and colleagues, it has brought you closer to your family members. However, it’s essential to maintain social connections amidst the pandemic.

At home, be sure to spend quality time with your family. Watch movies, play sports with your kids, and perform household chores together. Be sure to communicate with your family every day. On the other hand, take time to check your friends and workmates via social media. Ultimately, social connections help us all rise above pandemic situations.

6. Ask for professional help

The last on the list is to seek professional help if worse comes to worst. If you feel you’re overwhelmed and stressed, talk to your shrink and get therapy. Do so immediately before it can escalate to anxiety and depression.

Now, if your family members show COVID-19 symptoms, get them tested and treated immediately. If one of your children starts to feel sick, rush them to a kid’s clinic right away. Ultimately, seeking immediate professional help must be a part of your healthy lifestyle practices.

Living a healthy family lifestyle is vital in a COVID world. However, it’s easier said than done. That’s why you must constantly remind your family of the best practices recommended above. The truth is, it takes a conscious effort and deliberate decision to live a healthy lifestyle. But once this lifestyle is embedded in your family’s core, it will make a difference in the overall health and quality of your family’s life.

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